These are the very best free iPhone games. From driving games to sports sims, from puzzle games to shooters.
In multiplayer game Spaceteam, a star has inconveniently gone supernova near your ship, and you must outrun it to avoid being turned into space vapour. The tiny snag: whoever created the control panel for your craft was a sadist - and a slap-dash one at that.
Controls are unhelpfully spread across the screens of whoever's playing, and instructions are dished out at a rate of knots. Instead of being able to blithely order "warp factor four" to an underling, you instead find yourself yelling "will someone please turn on the Spectrobolt?", while frantically trying to deal with whatever orders are being barked nearby.
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Reality's taken a leave of absence in Asphalt 8. In fact, given how nitro-happy the game is, reality's likely been burned to a crisp and gleefully blasted into the wind, dispersed ashen fodder for sports cars that zoom past, mostly on the ground but often spinning, whirling and leaping through the air.
This game is the antithesis to the staid grind of Real Racing 3. It's joyful, colourful, smashy fun that doesn't take itself seriously and is all the better for it.
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With developer Supercell known for some of the biggest-grossing (and, in IAP terms, grossest) games on the App Store, you might approach Clash Royale with suspicion. After all, it feeds off of a kind of collector mentality, and is stuffed full of IAP. But look past that and you'll find one of the most infuriatingly compulsive multiplayer titles around.
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9. It's Full of Sparks
It's not easy being a firecracker. One minute, you're happily going about your business; the next, you explode in a shower of noise and pretty lights. Still, things are a lot worse when you're actually aware of all this, like the firecrackers in It's Full of Sparks.
Each of the 80 levels becomes a speed-run platform game with pathfinding puzzler overtones. You must figure out not only how to reach the blissful pool of live-preserving water, but also master the finger-dancing choreography required to get there in time.
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10. Super Cat Tales
When you realise the original name for Super Cat Tales was Super Cat Bros, you might have an inkling of what's in store. Although this game isn't quite a riff on a platform game series starring a plumber clad in dungarees, it is resolutely old-school in terms of its breezy gameplay, sense of urgency and excitement, and bright, chunky visuals.
Where Super Cat Tales diverges from old-school platform games is with its controls. Instead of a virtual stick, you tap the left or right of your screen to run in that direction. A double-tap sets the cat up to leap from the next ledge it reaches. You can also clamber up walls (scrabbling down them in a 'terrified kitten' manner when trying to hold on for too long) and leap from wall to wall like a feline
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